OH GOD another celebrity died!!! Really??? And we care why??? What about CHICAGO!!!!!

With all the important things like celebrities dying, let's stop and remember anyone that we know of in Chicago who may have died since the first of THIS YEAR! These numbers are staggering and what's scary is there are so many more than just the few actors and musicians that vanished.

Think of how many of these people who've been shot/murdered who may have been scientists, Presidents, senators, city sanitation, truck drivers, cab drivers, pilots, musicians, actors, etc...But because of the crappy running of the city by Rahm Emmanuel and his crew...the carnage continues.

While we remember Princess Leia (just a character in a movie), Carrie Fisher who played the Princess and spouted lines written for her (and I have seen Star Wars more than 500 times since it came out, so don't think I'm not hurting!) and I remember when George Michael as part of WHAM came on the music scene long ago as well as David Bowie and others who've left us. While they're important, there is a larger picture that the media is asking people to miss.

That larger picture is the INEPT/INCOMPETENT management of AMERICA by Barack Obama & his ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION over the past 8 years.

BUT!!!! he got Bin Laden!!!! and then proceeded to play a boatload of golf, ignoring people in Louisiana completely, as well as other places. WAKE UP AMERICA!!

The WINDS OF TRUMP are picking up speed and when they blow through in January, AMERICA will wake up from the trance of implied HOPE & CHANGE and will see what REAL CHANGE is and will no longer have to HOPE only to have those hopes shattered by an impotent President named OBAMA.

That's MY take on things.

#trump #chicago #obama #rahm #murder #maga #tcot

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Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN