New Clinton attack ad: 'Trump's embarrassment in Mexico'

Some of my thoughts regarding a story in the Washington Examiner at the following link:

Funny how the Clinton campaign puts out an ad about a successful visit by Donald Trump with the leader of another country. Hillary was too busy raising money to meet with the President of Mexico. She's "too good for him". Donald Trump says (with respect) "Mr. President, I'm free during the day on Wednesday, does that work for you?" and then flys down in a plane that he Donald pays for, brings his people and has a first meeting with the leader of a sovereign nation.

What we know based on history is that Hillary doesn't take meetings unless there's money given for the Clinton Foundation to siphon off its books so that Bill can eat, get his fill of travel and interns and so that Jehmu's family doesn't die (just google Jehmu & Clinton Foundation closing and you'll see).

Donald Trump looked great in Mexico, and Mexico will either directly or indirectly pay for the wall. They know it, Mr Trump knows it, and many others know it. What's funny is that the mainstream media is trying to drive Hillary to the White House. This woman has more skeletons in her closet than Arlington National Cemetery has on its grounds!

What the media if it had any stones should be doing is digging and finding out WHY OUR GOVERNMENT REFUSES to prosecute a woman who had 13 Blackberry devices receiving classified information as well as 5 iPads getting the same information and multiple devices now cannot be found and cannot be verified as destroyed.

But they're too busy bashing Donald Trump. We the People KNOW the Polls are doctored. We see the TRUMP events being PACKED with people and we here the crickets when Hillary has an event that she's not inviting the Orlando Shooter's Father to. We know she hates blacks and is just using them for their votes. We know that she and Bill have stolen much money, and that they can have people eliminated if they ask. We know this. We also know that AMERICA is much too big to have two people controlling it as if it was a dictatorship!!!

So, to the FBI, to the DOJ, unless you're being bribed or bought off, you OWE WE THE PEOPLE some justice and you've had an entire library of information handed to you with regards to these people, so how about doing what you're hired to do, which is to "defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES, foreign & domestic" and LOCK THESE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS UP. Yes, Bill & Hillary Clinton are domestic terrorists because what they and their foundation are doing is circumventing the laws and the Constitution of The United States of America and we the people are fed up with it.

The revolution is coming. It's name is Donald J Trump and it will ensure the people are protected and the Constitution is DEFENDED.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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