Nuclear Nightmare...

Insert Twilight Zone music here & the voice of Rod Serling

"Picture a man with a melon head, a haircut that resembles what a rice bowl set on a head would deliver, who has weapons at his disposal and anger against a more powerful more populated nation..."

Not hard to picture when you think about Kim Jong-Un the current leader of North Korea.

"Now picture that melon head deciding he wants to bring great sadness to that more populated country by inserting into each major port of that country, a 20KT (kilo ton) Nuclear Weapon that is carried in a suspended cradle within a shipping container, that holds bottles of nitro-glycerin that if the cradle is moved a certain bit after a certain date & time, the nuclear weapon will explode and wreak massive horrors of death and destruction in multiple places at the same time..."

So in this nightmare, the shipping container is one that has a fake roof, and when the mechanism is triggered, the sides of the crate will open, and the entire weapon will have a clear path to dissipate energy from the explosion across the harbor of where the ship containing the crate docks. Something else to think about, what if that ship with the weapon was near an ammunitions depot or where a nuclear submarine docks...

"Now picture that the melon head leader has dispatched 2 of these weapons per ship and a total of 10 ships to ports in Washington, California, Texas, Florida & Virginia"

And then...the unthinkable happens. At the exact same instant, on the same date & time, all 10 of those ships become the bearers of armageddon as they explode and catastrophically devastate those port cities. The amount of nuclear energy would be such that it would create a cloud of fallout that could carry across the entire North American continent and perhaps even further once in the jet stream.

If this has not been thought out by Homeland Security, you're sleeping on the job. Maybe Kim Jong-Un can't get a missile airborne for an extended period of time, but while we're watching his showboating over that way, what has he shipped our way? Remember that a magician will keep your attention while they deliver the real trick when you're distracted and it could then be too late.

Be mindful, and if you're in the news media, get the word out about this scenario because I believe that they're going to try something like this and it's going to stun us because we're not watching what's truly happening.

Thanks for your attention.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN