When you are going to be a Senator in the United States of America, you will be given an Oath. The text of that oath is below:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
This is an oath similar to the one I took when I joined the Navy long ago. It's something that myself and other Veterans take seriously and to heart. It is however one that some Senators take very callously because they will use their office title to lie and deceive.
Let's look at Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Marco Rubio, Former Governor Jeb Bush, and CURRENT GOVERNOR John Kasich.
Now, these are persons who are supposed to uphold certain laws, in the case of a Governor, to sign their name on an order of DEATH for another human being at times, they are persons to whom great trust is given.
What seems to be the problem then you might be asking. Don't these guys all uphold and stand for the truth?
No, they don't.
They ALL ran against Donald Trump in the Presidential Campaign against Donald Trump. They ALL BEGGED for a PLEDGE to be created that each of them would sign, and at the end of all the races, if they were not the winner and the nominee, that they would get behind and put their full support behind the nominee. NONE OF THEM HONORED that PLEDGE. Donald Trump did. He won the contests, he became the nominee and he put his full support behind himself! Yes, you have to support yourself if you end up winning.
The others said "Oh, I'm not voting for him, Oh, make sure you vote your conscience, Oh, well I'm voting for Hillary, and of course Oh I'm the Governor of Ohio and I need something to eat!
So here's the question that I as a voter, as a Veteran, as a US CITIZEN, that I want to know. We're supposed to TRUST Governors and Senators and Congressmen and more, right? If that's true, then how can they be allowed to outrightly LIE on a SIGNED PLEDGE, and still remain in office?
How is that possible that these people can LIE & mislead the NATION on NATIONAL TV and still remain in positions of TRUST?
I say that the following people should be removed from office immediately and fined an amount each of no less than $300 Million US Dollars, and this amount must come from their own money. It cannot come from donations, or existing donor funds. If they don't have it, then they need to submit to 6 months in jail, and not country club jail. Each of them would report to TENT CITY in ARIZONA to Sheriff Joe Arpaio for their time at hard labor:
Governor John Kasich of OHIO
Governor Jeb Bush (Former Governor of Florida)
Basically $1 for each registered voter, that includes living & dead ones that they're planning on using in the upcoming election, and that $300 Million be donated to the VETERANS through various vetted organizations:
Why? Simply because they demanded that a pledge be created to prevent Donald Trump from running as a 3rd party candidate. He did not run as one. He ran as a Republican candidate and never quit the party. He did say that he would if he was not treated fairly. The party treated him fairly and he stuck with the party. He HONORED his pledge. His word is his bond. The others spit in the face of every voter. They walked on the graves of every soldier, sailor, airman, marine, guardsman buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
I believe it's time that we started petitions to have each of them removed and allow them to take full responsibility for lying to the American Public.
In this country we allow politicians to get away with murder in many cases, and lying in others. Perhaps it's time that we begin to change, to shift this country into a higher vibration of love, peace, joy, abundance, and holding accountable those in higher offices.
Just my thoughts. If they resonate with you, please give $1 to help a Veteran get a meal!!
DONATE HERE =>> cash.me/$veteran
Thanks for reading and sharing this along.
Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN