Big storm coming on shore to Southern California. Let's all be civilized out there and get out of my way on the freeways! :) BE SAFE!!
That's a big thing. To hear her voice today was the only thing that made my day better. And to hear she's signed up for a walk-a-thon is amazing. I've known her for 7 years and she's been under some stress. Now she's beaten what was keeping her there and the Doctor's said "If only we'd prevented this instead of feeding it", hello??? It's called PREVENTIVE MEDICINE! Oh wait! The medical profession would rather keep you down. Not these guys!!! they're all about Preventive Medicine. So much so that it's their brand! Check them out, they're bringing some serious changes to the game.
Now to some it may not look like much, but if you're a believer, this appears to be our Lord in a moment of gazing towards heaven and asking for support. In the instant I saw this image I knew we needed to be here and now we are.
Manifestation now comes in many forms. Simply asking is a great way to get the ball rolling. Taking the task on of pushing aside the judgement of self and knowing you're deserving of something is another way to help things along. And so is the simple acceptance that because you chose to come here from source and be part of the playground that is Earth, to be a part of the separation and disconnect that is humanity, but also to be here to teach others the benefits of sharing, connection, and loving of many to help others see the truth within and appreciate the glory that we're all connected through...well that's another of many reasons to be present to that which is coming forth. There's a tide of change coming. We're here to help share with many the guidance of how to achieve in life that which you desire by simple inspired actions. Not a ton of work or required steps. All is a choice and by simply being present to make those choices the work or perceived work is nearly completed. The hard part is the BEing present which is why we're here to guide you and show you the way. We love you. We're sharing much with many and we'll speak through the ways we can to get the message out to many who are listening and waiting to receive.
The sun has set on another day, but it dawns once again and calls to you to step into the light which you are and help to heal and show many that much can be achieved in this time of joy and celebration known as life. It's much easier to be a part of the solution than it is to be part of the problem. After all it takes more muscles to frown that it does to smile. Think about that the next time you choose (and you do) to be unhappy.
We wish you much love, joy, and peace beyond all understanding, this moment, this now and always. We love you. Michael & The Many.
Impressive outside packaging followed by...
Impressive protection inside, and finally...
The case wrapped in an envelope that says "LET ME OUT!" on it. I love when a company has fun in marketing their product. This is so important in business as it carries through to the clients as well. They like your product, your message and they share that with others. It's a win-win-win situation.
So what else can I say about this gem of a case that will sway you to look at it. Unlike those other 2 piece cases, it does not fall apart. You can't lose any piece of this case. It slides around the phone and keeps it snug. When you need to remove the phone from the case it easily comes out. Unlike other cases that are one piece that need a screwdriver to remove the phone from, this one releases it quickly. Lightweight construction, soft, smooth feel, makes holding the phone a true pleasure and no loss of reception while using this case. Default CASE is the CASE for your iPhone 4, or 3GS. Inexpensive, sturdy and DocMurdock™-APPROVED. Get yours today. Better still, get 5 or 6 of them at this awesome price before they take the sale away! Thanks for taking time to read. MichaelCoPilot® Live™ GPS Navigation Apps on Sale for Thanksgiving Holiday
Award-winning app for smartphones and iPad provides holiday travelers easy-to-use, reliable navigation at a Black Friday bargain price
Princeton, NJ - November 22, 2010--CoPilot Live, the full-featured, voice-guided GPS navigation application for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Mobile smartphones is slashing the price of its award-wining apps during the busy Thanksgiving holiday travel week ahead.
CoPilot Live USA for iPhone and Android-powered smartphones is on sale for the bargain price of $2.99. CoPilot Live North America, which includes maps of the U.S. and Canada, is on sale for iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile smartphones for $9.99. The hi-resolution, large screen optimized CoPilot Live HD North America app for iPad is on sale for $19.99. As with all CoPilot Live apps, this is a one-time purchase, there are no ongoing monthly subscription fees.
CoPilot Live provides easy to follow, powerful turn-by-turn guidance with clear 3D guidance views and voice directions. Destination entry is made easy with predictive address matching that finds addresses as you type. The apps feature millions of useful Points of Interest (POIs) and sophisticated guidance features such as ClearTurn™ realistic display with lane indicator arrows and real sign post information for clear guidance at major highway exits and complex intersections.
CoPilot Live’s apps feature the additional crucial benefit of allowing drivers to navigate without a data connection. Detailed street-level maps are stored directly on the device, not downloaded each trip, so drivers don’t need to rely on a cellular connection for navigation.
The CoPilot Live iPhone and iPad apps are available for purchase via iTunes; the Android apps in Android Market and Windows Mobile in the Windows Marketplace or at For more information, visit
A video of CoPilot Live is available at:
A gallery of images is available at:
Mary Kelly, Media Relations David Reich/ Jeanne Byington
609-252-8160 212-573-6000
Fax: 609-252-8166
If you receive anything like this, check the address where it came from. If it ends in call the person who sent it to you and let them know. Otherwise post something on facebook or twitter or both to let others know as someone out there may know your friend and they may be a victim as well.
Thanks for taking time to read and if you have questions, email me back Mike